It is recommended that we must scrupulously avoid prohibited and suspect things, since some scholars said it's the pillar of the religion.
Prophet SAW said, whoever guards himself against suspect things has protected his religion and his honour, the one who fals into suspect things will fall into prohibited.
Who acquired prohibited/suspects things are seldom granted success in performing good deeds.

So make sure whatever you eat must be licit, as well as the money source.
Prophet SAW said : the prayer of the man who buys a garment for 10 rupiah of which is illicit will not be accepted by Allah as long as he is wearing any part of it........Subhanallah.............if this is the situation with regard to a garment one-tenth of the price of the price of which is illicit, what if the whole of it was so????
Lets be on scrupulousness always Insya Allah........
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