Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Percobaan kedua

hmmmm.............I found out that this lens is not for everyone, it's confusing, difficult, I hate it, it's challenging me but I like it.................he he he.....
the more I try it out the more interesting it's...............
today is not a beautiful day it was rainy, windy from dawn to sunset, no sun shines,outside is greyish, and here are some snaps I took from the patio........


  1. Benernya lensa ini fungsi dasarnya buat apa mbak

  2. saya juga gak tau, cuma demen aja dengan effect bulat2 (saya anggap ini mainan baru saya)karena distorsi lensa...........tapi saya belum berhasil dengan sempurna..coba dech di google contoh photo fish eye...bagus2 dech.....

  3. lebih wide dari wide angle lens.........
    kalau wide angle bisa melihat sekitar 90 derajat, lense yg ini bisa sampai 180 derajat.........melebihi dari mata manusia normal...
