Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The true success

The true success is contentment……….so say alhamdulillah for every single thing you have, cause if you always content then nothing to be worry…….anymore.

And the real happyness is to surrender our self to Allah, follow  His rule and the sunnah of His messenger sallalahu alaihi wassalam.

The dunia is only the mean to help us to get the highest position which every muslim want  it , and that is called jannah.


  1. tumben bisa buka mp???
    heeh, sukses yang sesungguhnya, mau gak?????

  2. pke chrome nih,,,,mau dong:D:D:D

  3. mau apanya????? suksess???? tinggal nyomot apa susahnya (hihihi)
    pake chrome, opera, ff, ie, safari buat saya sama saja

  4. pke apa sih kok lancar bener:P
    btw ff n safari entuh apa?baru tau aq:D

  5. saya pake apa ya? tergantung moodnya,
    ff = firefox
    safari sama seperti opera, chroem, firefox, internet explorer, sarana untuk browsing2...
    nah saya kalau OL tuh semua browser dibuka hihihi serakah ya

  6. widihh,,,aq buka 2 aja udh KO.....
    nampaknya sih gitu:P:P:P

  7. ya kalau bukanya pake hp jelas gak bisa non.
    coba pake lepi, insya Allah bisa...asal jaringan inetnya wes ewes ewes bablas....(hihihi)
